Saturday, July 5, 2014

Two early morning runs to discover Paris, with Agnes

Agnes - Pont au Change - La Conciergerie
Thursday 3 July 5:55 AM, Saturday 5 July 7:33 AM - Agnes lives in Los Angeles. Among the numerous visits which she foresaw to know Paris, Agnes included two Paris Running Tours, two morning visits to fully enjoy the capital.
Indeed, it is a good means to understand the city landscape, discover numerous sites, to know its history and its architecture but also to apprehend its places, streets and squares in a sport way.

First morning:
A few minutes after the sunrise, a start not far from the Opera. Let us go to see the Eiffel Tower.
Place of Concorde, we begin to see the tower far off:

Agnes - Place de la Concorde - Behind the Obelisk, far off, the Eiffel Tower (notice the preparations for the National Day, on July 14th, with the stands which are going to welcome the government for the parade)

Let us get closer. Place of the Alma, the Eiffel Tower is more and more visible:

Agnes - Place de l'Alma with the Flame of Liberty, an exact replica of the Statue of Liberty's flame and underneath, the famous tunnel of Alma
In the background, the Eiffel tower

Now, let us go to the Esplanade of the Trocadéro, one of the best locations to see the Eiffel Tower:

Agnes - "Esplanade du Trocadéro" - The Eiffel tower, very close!

Look at the landscape visible since the Esplanade, with in the background, on the left, Notre Dame, the Pantheon and the dome of the Invalides:

Let us go towards Notre Dame. After a few kilometers of running, we can see the Cathedral, closer this time, since the bridge of the Carrousel:

Agnes - Bridge if the Carrousel - Far off, on the Island of "La Cité", the Saint-chapel and Notre Dame

Second morning:
Small rain this morning.
Today, we are going to admire Notre Dame and the Pantheon. Let us cross the Bridge of the Arts (with a small "Hello" to the Eiffel Tower, far off):

Agnes - "Pont des Arts" - Far off, the Eiffel tower

We join the Pantheon and greet the great man recently arrived:

Agnes - The Panthéon

The Pantheon in restoration, as we can see it with these scaffolds on the photo, welcomes the exhibition of the artist JR.

We follow our route to finally find the Cathedral "Notre Dame de Paris":

Agnes - Notre Dame - Notice on the ground, the marks which testify of the presence of a street (which existed until the middle of 19th century. Under the feet of Agnes, the mark of a church, Sainte Genevieve des Ardens)

Before finishing our run, we cross another church, the Church Saint Eustache (built from 1532 till 1633):

Agnes - Church Saint Eustache

Funny detail, before the construction of the current church, stood a chapel (built at the beginning of the XIIIth century). This chapel was dedicated to Saint Agnès!

Merci Agnes !

The routes of the tours:

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